Friday 9 March 2012

The Tooth Cysts Treatment

Excellent health for most people is the key to a happy life. To save the specialists in various fields advise their patients to eat right, exercise and undergo periodic check-ups, especially if there is any possibility of manifestation of disease. However, the insidious diseases still catch up with people, and, as a rule, quite unexpectedly.

One of the most frustrating diseases in the field of dentistry is a dental cyst, the symptoms which occur mainly when it is already in running form. Of course, like many other diseases, treatment of cysts of the tooth depends on the degree of its development, that is, the sooner a doctor finds it, the easier it will be then get rid of it. Quite often, the cyst is found by chance and only visible on radiographs. That's why experts strongly recommend be checked dysfunctional teeth no less than every six months.

Some time ago, treatment of cysts of the tooth was reduced to a rather unpleasant procedures, the complete removal of the tooth. To date, such radical methods, fortunately, were left behind. Now dental cyst treatment can be carried out surgically, and the more gentle therapeutic. Of course, the choice of any of these methods is strictly individual for each patient.Both of them are as attractive and negative sides, but the biggest plus is that, in most cases it is possible to save the tooth.

As a rule, treatment of cysts of the tooth with a surgical operation occurs in the form in which she removed the cyst, as well as damage of the tooth root. The popularity of this operation is due to its absolute reliability, but it is rather complicated, and find a specialist who can correctly and carry out all the negative effects of manipulation, and easy. There is also another type of surgical treatment - hemisection. Dental surgeon in this case, in addition to the cyst removes the damaged root of the tooth, and grabbing at him. Next on were formed after removal of flaws put the crown. Sure, sometimes there are situations where the tooth is almost completely destroyed or badly reeling, while in the cavity of the cyst. Under such conditions it is impossible to save the tooth, and, as a rule, it is removed.

Treatment of cysts of dental therapeutic method eliminates the need for any operation, bringing the patient is much less negative emotions. The big downside of this treatment is its long duration of the absence of an absolute guarantee. This method of treatment is boring the affected tooth and thorough cleaning and disinfection of the canal. To do this, usually all kinds of disinfectants are used, which can get rid of cysts present in the cavity of germs and bacteria. Only after completing the first stage can proceed to the next. It lies in the fact that the therapist-dentist fills the space formed after drilling a special pasty substance that affects the rapid renewal and growth of bone tissue.

After filling in the tooth is sealed, and six months later checked for cysts using X-rays. If it does, then we can talk about successful treatment, but usually this only occurs in 70% of patients. In some clinics, patients may take several sessions to offer dipoforeza, which uses a copper-calcium hydroxide is capable of an electric current to get rid of bacteria and damaged cells. A similar option - laser treatment of cysts of the tooth, which evaporates the cyst and root disinfected. Thus, eliminating the cause of the disease.

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