Saturday 10 March 2012

Eliminate The Rash on Face

AOne of the most common problems in the world, starting in adolescents as young as twelve years of age and progressing to about twenty-five, and sometimes for life, is a skin disease like acne on her face. Her appearance in the first place, due to the hormonal changes the body and usually, when completed, a rash on his face almost completely disappears. But when was the cause of the disruption of the digestive system and nervous or mental disease, the disease is more severe, and for any positive change to a serious treatment.

Many are deeply mistaken, belief that one should not dwell on this hormonal change in emphasis and wait for the rash on the face withdrew. This is because, if this rash is not too strong and quickly passes, but if, after 25-30 years, no changes are observed, and the rash is distributed not only in the face, and down the neck and shoulders, leaving scars that do? One can only regret that the treatment is not started before, and immediately set about to change the situation.

Just calm down and not worth worrying about scars and scarring. In our time, all this quickly and efficiently corrected. In order to understand how to treat a rash on the face, to find out the cause. First and foremost, a hereditary disease, which manifests itself at any age to a greater or lesser degree. Second, a rash on the face and neck occurs in young people (teenagers), experiencing a rapid surge of hormones, but even in such an acute stage it can be fought successfully, and even removed completely.

One of the important factors in the emergence of this disease is improper diet, too much fat and monotonous.Sometimes you change the diet by adding fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, as well as to minimize the consumption of fats and the need to treat a rash on his face will go along with this problem. Sometimes, premenstrual syndrome, seborrhea, especially in its strong form, raising the level of glucose or taking certain medication leads to the appearance of the rash. It becomes clear that a lot of reasons and in order to learn how to treat a rash on the face, the best solution would be an appeal to the specialist.

Each type of leather is unique and requires careful examination. Beauty identify key areas of defeat and, thus, find the exact cause of the disease. With the help of various methods of modern diagnostic plan will be the necessary procedures, in which drugs, proper diet, sleep, and beauty treatments will effectively result in a very short time. It must be said about Acne Scar. Of course, it is better to prevent their occurrence, but even in the case of serious defects in modern cosmetology skin and works wonders with the intake of necessary preparations, as well as microdermabrasion skin, gives startling results within a few days. And the last step on the path to healthy skin and is fully updated kislorodoozonoterapiya. It allows you to achieve perfect smoothness of the skin and great complexion.

After a trip to the beautician and get excellent results should not be relaxed. Specialist will advise you to acquire the necessary professional care means characteristic face and an urgent need to buy them! No ordinary means will not allow such a result as a professional series. It is necessary to purchase a special brush to clean the face and use it along with means. It is necessary to follow a healthy diet rich in fiber cleanses the body and skin. And most importantly - you should never squeeze pimples. This will cause the appearance of even more noticeable scars and leave all the terrible scars.

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  1. Eliminate The Rash on Face

Calculus and Its Treatment

Probably, everyone wants to look good, and many even try diligently to do so.A beautiful smile is definitely one of the components of an excellent image. But the way this can be a plaque, causes of which lie in the wrong actions of the commission of a daily morning dress.

Tartar is a hardened accumulated food particles, waste products of various bacteria, the top layer of cells covering the mouth. It can be as over the gums, and under them. In the first case it is easy to see yourself, but if the stone is under the gums, for its detection requires special dental equipment. A very important time to identify and remove tartar, as it can lead to serious diseases of the teeth and gums.

One of the most common causes of tartar is the lack of cleaning the teeth from plaque. Soft plaque is removed quite simply an ordinary toothbrush, but if this is not thorough enough, then after a week and a half, or it turns into a tight formation, ie, tartar, which itself is almost impossible to remove. Typically, these layers affect the teeth, which take no active part in the process of chewing food, thereby reducing the likelihood of natural purification. Also, the reason may be eating mostly soft foods, or disturbances in metabolism.

If the teeth had dental calculus detected, treatment should begin immediately. You need to see a specialist in the field of dentistry that will help get rid of the scourge wherever it was. Typically, doctors use special tools to clean, either manual or ultrasonic devices. Previously, similar procedures used dental hooks, but they do not always cope with the task to the end, not only did not bring any pleasure to patients, but rather the contrary. 

To date, this method of completely refused, preferring to work with ultrasonic devices. They generate some fluctuations with which different removable attachment rather gently remove plaque. Perform such manipulation is possible in two ways: by directly touching the nozzle surface of the affected tooth or performing cleaning by a powerful jet of water. 

The advantage of the fact that when working out of the water, oxygen, which also disinfects the surface. Moreover, the likelihood of complete removal of tartar is very high, as are handled at the same time as the gums and the root. Sometimes, if the stone is in a very neglected state of his special agents soften. Upon completion of the cleaning procedures are usually done polishing.

It is believed that the shooting tartar is not entirely harmless, since such a procedure can damage the enamel. It really was possible in those days, when doctors used the hooks, and even performed work is not very accurate.In modern dentistry, the use of ultrasonic devices such concerns do not make sense, since the nozzle less sharp than the hooks, as well as in the case of strong contact with the surface of the tooth camera does not generate oscillations. When polishing teeth using compounds similar in consistency to toothpaste, so they do not carry any risk of enamel.

Sometimes patients do not want to contact the dentist to remove plaque, arguing that it is time to reappear. In this case, the recommendations made are as acquainted with the elementary rules of caring for the oral cavity.
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Friday 9 March 2012

Gematogen - What's Benefits and Advantages?

Many adults remember the taste of Gematogen from early childhood, when for them it was a delicious treat with a deficit of chocolates. Even now, despite the abundance of a variety of sweets, and our foreign-made treats some of their children hematogenous. Why is he still popular? What is the secret of this bar?Do hematogen? The benefit is due to its unique composition, which includes minerals, vitamins, proteins, and heme iron. Pleasant taste plays an important role.

Only in hematogenous iron compound is a protein that allows for maximum absorption of the drug and does not irritate the stomach wall. The special manufacturing technology allows you to save the necessary components of the blood of cattle in this form. Recently began using new production technology, which uses instead of dry cleaned blood hemoglobin, allowing you to reduce the possibility of allergic reactions.

Taste haematogenously add various additives - syrup, condensed milk, sugar.To make the new taste sensations manufacturers add nuts, honey, coconut and other ingredients.

Advantages of Gematogen

For children hematogen very helpful. During this period they receive necessary for the development of substances that are in the bar, is particularly important. Proteins, macronutrients and micronutrients to help support and normalize metabolic processes in children. Large amounts of vitamin A causes a high antioxidant effect Gematogen. People who have problematic eyesight is very useful to use this product. Affects the character of a favorable reception in the food Gematogen for problems with the respiratory mucosa. If you have problems with digestion - eat hematogen, the benefits will be obvious.

In the case where there is no way to fully eat, getting the necessary material for the body, it will come to the aid of a treat. People who suffer from the fact that they dry and inelastic skin, and it may be advisable to recall the hematogenous. The child had development and growth of their peers, hematogen be extremely useful. Usually, the complex treatment of eye in the case of a sharp deterioration of the doctors prescribe hematogen.

In the cold season, when it's time to colds, the use of bars to help the body to actively resist and do not get sick.Recommend that physicians and patients with various chronic diseases, especially gastric and colon often is 12perstnoy hematogen, the use of which is invaluable in these cases. Indeed, quite often when these diseases are of major blood loss, which is not always obvious, but lead to a fall in hemoglobin levels and deterioration of health. With Gematogen can solve this problem and increase hemoglobin.

Gematogen - comparable to the benefits and harms it? In these difficult times to help the body recover from an emotional and physical overload, constant stress need effective tools, and one of them - hematogen. It is simply necessary for iron deficiency and anemia as hemoglobin and improves support erythropoiesis.

Disadvantages of Gematogen

Despite the usefulness of the bar to be aware of when it is not necessary to apply hematogen. Carbohydrates contained in large quantities makes this product unacceptable for people with obesity and diabetes.

If you have an idiosyncrasy of any component Gematogen, then it is can't be. Its use is not advisable for pregnant women and patients with thrombophlebitis. All these facts indicate undeniable benefits Gematogen, provided that it is used properly.

Article source:
  1. Gematogen - What's Benefits and Advantages?

The Tooth Cysts Treatment

Excellent health for most people is the key to a happy life. To save the specialists in various fields advise their patients to eat right, exercise and undergo periodic check-ups, especially if there is any possibility of manifestation of disease. However, the insidious diseases still catch up with people, and, as a rule, quite unexpectedly.

One of the most frustrating diseases in the field of dentistry is a dental cyst, the symptoms which occur mainly when it is already in running form. Of course, like many other diseases, treatment of cysts of the tooth depends on the degree of its development, that is, the sooner a doctor finds it, the easier it will be then get rid of it. Quite often, the cyst is found by chance and only visible on radiographs. That's why experts strongly recommend be checked dysfunctional teeth no less than every six months.

Some time ago, treatment of cysts of the tooth was reduced to a rather unpleasant procedures, the complete removal of the tooth. To date, such radical methods, fortunately, were left behind. Now dental cyst treatment can be carried out surgically, and the more gentle therapeutic. Of course, the choice of any of these methods is strictly individual for each patient.Both of them are as attractive and negative sides, but the biggest plus is that, in most cases it is possible to save the tooth.

As a rule, treatment of cysts of the tooth with a surgical operation occurs in the form in which she removed the cyst, as well as damage of the tooth root. The popularity of this operation is due to its absolute reliability, but it is rather complicated, and find a specialist who can correctly and carry out all the negative effects of manipulation, and easy. There is also another type of surgical treatment - hemisection. Dental surgeon in this case, in addition to the cyst removes the damaged root of the tooth, and grabbing at him. Next on were formed after removal of flaws put the crown. Sure, sometimes there are situations where the tooth is almost completely destroyed or badly reeling, while in the cavity of the cyst. Under such conditions it is impossible to save the tooth, and, as a rule, it is removed.

Treatment of cysts of dental therapeutic method eliminates the need for any operation, bringing the patient is much less negative emotions. The big downside of this treatment is its long duration of the absence of an absolute guarantee. This method of treatment is boring the affected tooth and thorough cleaning and disinfection of the canal. To do this, usually all kinds of disinfectants are used, which can get rid of cysts present in the cavity of germs and bacteria. Only after completing the first stage can proceed to the next. It lies in the fact that the therapist-dentist fills the space formed after drilling a special pasty substance that affects the rapid renewal and growth of bone tissue.

After filling in the tooth is sealed, and six months later checked for cysts using X-rays. If it does, then we can talk about successful treatment, but usually this only occurs in 70% of patients. In some clinics, patients may take several sessions to offer dipoforeza, which uses a copper-calcium hydroxide is capable of an electric current to get rid of bacteria and damaged cells. A similar option - laser treatment of cysts of the tooth, which evaporates the cyst and root disinfected. Thus, eliminating the cause of the disease.

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Pain Under Arm

Many people feel uncomfortable, where are the armpits. Annoying pain under the armpits prevents a person who wears it. The man begins to seem that everyone notices his pain, although if a logical reason, then the armpit - is not such a visible place. Nevertheless, even when this trouble do not give a special value, the surrounding necessarily pay attention to these issues, because the skin in the armpits will not have its original appearance. In order to understand the origin of the pain under my arm for men and women, need to thoroughly understand what we're trying to do.

The main cause of pain is considered to be excessive sweating, which causes itching, burning, redness, pimples and bad breath. As well as regular spots that cause revulsion in others. The medical name for this malady - hyperhidrosis.

Manifested pain under my arm in women and men equally. The key to this - to understand that this situation is not as simple as it seems, therefore, need to approach it seriously. After a slight irritation can develop into a pimple, boil, and then, God forbid, in such a disease as "suche udders." Timely access to a doctor to help solve this problem quickly and without consequences.

Causes of Pain
  1. One of the most frequent causes of pain under my arm, is a breast cancer.
  2. Pain may also occur before menstruation. This is due to the fact that gland and chest pain moves to the armpit. Having aching in nature, it is so strong, that does not allow the hands to move. This disease is called cyclic mastalgia.
  3. Another reason, which causes pain under my arm - is hydradenitis. When this disease in the sweat glands penetrate staphylococci, which are a good feel in the armpit. If them is not broken, then you will not only severe pain and swelling under my arm, and dark red nodes that contain pus. The central part is cone-shaped pustules, which soon bursts, and derived from it pus.
  4. If you have damaged the armpit, it may also be the cause of pain.
  5. Due to the recent surgery
  6. After the intervention of pain can also occur under your arm. This is due to nerve damage or irritation.

Prevention and Treatment

Women, like men, under the armpits is a very delicate skin. Hygiene and the special care of these places should be an integral part of your morning's proceedings. It is mandatory to take a shower every day, and in summer more often. After bathing, deodorant is applied, which is selected depending on your skin type. Not bad would happen if you buy in a drugstore remedy in the form of a cream or spray, which reduces perspiration, and will apply it at night.

If the pain began to appear more often, and the skin condition worsened, then there can not do without the help of traditional medicine. Best of all, in this case will help the decoction of the leaves of birch or oak bark. This decoction should be cleaned armpits in the morning after the water treatment and in the evening before bedtime. Also nice to help the itching a weak solution of vinegar and the juice of a squeezed lemon. Tincture of peppermint and sage can help you get rid of the stains under the arms.

But traditional medicine can not always help, there are times when it provokes fungal diseases. In this case, you should immediately run to the doctor, who in time will stop the progressive disease. Only with antibiotics can cure a variety of sores, warts and papillomas, which can also appear under the arm and cause pain in this area.

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Beet Juice - Benefits and Disadvantages to Health

We all know that fresh vegetables as well as fresh fruit, certainly good for our health. The benefits of fresh - fresh juice is also known for a long time.The juice retains all the vitamins and minerals found in fresh foods, as well as a number of additional benefits. Especially popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle apple, cabbage, carrot and beet juice. The benefits and disadvantages of each juice should be considered individually based on their characteristics of each body individually.

All uses beets in his diet and only a few - beet juice. Benefits and harms of this useful drink known is not for everyone. But this juice contains a lot of iron, thereby improving the formation of red blood cells. Especially beet juice is useful for women during the critical days, as well as people who suffer from anemia. Betaine contained in this healing drink, stimulates the liver, and especially - the biliary tract.

To help people with weak peristalsis will beet juice. The benefit and harm from him adequately studied, and beneficial qualities in him much more than the bad, you just have to use it properly. The juice will bring salt from the joints, improves the blood, cleanse the gallbladder and saturate the body with vitamins and trace elements. Due to the presence of iodine in the beet juice, it will be useful for people suffering from abnormalities in the thyroid gland.

The use of beet juice is also in the fact that he is able to increase resistance to malicious viruses, improve the functioning of the lymphatic system. The juice will strengthen the entire body and improve the complexion and overall skin condition. Improved memory and the strength to drink this healing, as well as dilation of blood vessels. Daily consumption of beetroot juice strengthen the nervous system and relieve insomnia.

Fresh juices all useful, but such a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids, iodine and sugar, perhaps, only contains beet juice. Benefits and harms of it is clearly not equivalent. The damage can only be from the wrong and excessive adoption, and for this we must know some rules. The first - preferably before you begin juice therapy, consult with your doctor, because everyone has their own illness and idiosyncrasy.

Second - vegetable juices are very active, so they must be taken in small quantities and preferably diluted with water or other juices. For better absorption of juices, especially beverage products from the bright red and yellow colors, you need to add them a little vegetable oil for better absorption of carotene. And another thing: fresh consumed immediately, as soon as cooked, yet all of the nutrients in place.

In this embodiment, the benefits of beet juice will be maximum. It will strengthen the body, it helps to fight infections. This juice is useful to wring from beets with green leaves in a combination of all nutrients to be absorbed by the body to a much greater extent than most of the root crop eaten. In the tops are a large amount of ascorbic acid, carotene and vitamin B.

Fresh beet juice bury your nose in the cold, and the rinse is used for sore throat and larynx. Doctors of antiquity, such as Paracelsus, and Hippocrates knew invaluable beets and used it to combat anemia and diseases of the lymphatic vessels. Beet juice can be analgesic, the weak and strengthen the liver.

Popular in Russia and beet kvass. The benefit of his immense for the body. He treats high blood pressure, stomach and sluggish forces to work as it should. Cook it and drink should be people with unstable pressure, which regulates the brew, it is useful for the treatment of liver and kidney. In hot weather brew a very good thirst quencher and is indispensable for making cold soups.

Article source:
  1. Beet Juice - Benefits and Disadvantages to Health

Causes of Leg Cramps and How To Get Rid of Them

The muscle on the leg, and suddenly reduced to stone, and twitch his fingers crook, and dramatically increasing the pain makes writhe and jump.And often cramp at night overtakes you when you're lying peacefully on the couch watching TV and thinking is not thinking about any attack. And then, furiously rubbing his stiff place, sipping over your toes, do you think, "Well, it happens in athletes on the loads, but I have something from which reduces leg cramp?"

In general, leg cramps are subject to more than 75 percent of all people, and sports - just one of many factors of their occurrence. The reasons for leg cramps are diverse - from a variety of diseases common to muscle fatigue. By the way, doctors say that these seizures - is much more severe and dangerous symptoms, and what we used to call a foot cramps, actually - cramping calf muscles and thigh muscles.

The most common causes of leg cramps - strain, from finding a long time in one position. This is what happens when the whole day to walk in high heel shoes for a long time to hunker down, such as weeding the beds, or other constrained posture. These are typical causes of leg cramps, especially for musicians, tailors, typists and people of other professions, who have for a long time in the same position.

Another reason, however, lies in the increased activity, high physical exertion, prolonged running. Often you can see how at the last minute football match, players are literally one after the other falling on the grass, clutching his leg. Fans often accuse them at the same time in the simulation, consider it unfairly delaying the time to maintain the desired team outcome. In fact, football players, running back and a half hours actually experiencing violent and painful spasms, in which it is simply impossible to keep going.

The reasons for leg cramps can be searched, and in short supply of certain substances the body needs. This may be a lack of calcium and potassium in the blood, oxygen and even plain water. Diseases - such as low back pain, arteriosclerosis, varicose veins, diabetes - also can cause cramps. Provoke seizures may even individual drugs, for example, diuretics, and hormonal agents. Bad habits - alcohol abuse and smoking - also cause seizures.

Get rid of the sudden-onset leg cramps, even people learn intuitively. In an effort to get rid of the pain the man himself is a position his feet, where the cramp releases. As a rule, it is enough to hand in the sock leg, gently pull the foot. The same players are helping to make their colleagues, and even a player others teams turned out to be close, because the sufferer himself interfere with boots. It also helps rubbing her prick of a needle or a massage. If you experience cramps during physical activity should immediately stop running or walking, but if you overtaken by a spasm in the supine position (night cramps are common), it is best to stand barefoot on the cold floor. Particular attention should be paid to swimmers cramps - it's a direct threat to their lives. If you have cramps in the water to stop moving my legs and try to straighten the affected foot with the other foot. Helps and pinned to the batches of the pin.

If you have too frequently and without apparent reason, there are leg cramps, how to treat them, tell the doctor.You can consult with the district for the beginning therapist. Perhaps they will help and prescription drugs. And if you have a predisposition to seizures, you need to do every day at least a simple leg exercises and massage.

Article source: Causes of Leg Cramps and How To Get Rid of Them

Causes of Bad Breath

This may spoil the view of any person to deliver the inconvenience of communication, business negotiations to disrupt or even destroy relationships.A terrible breath like nothing else, is able to push, cause disgust to provoke rudeness. And even if it is not so terrible, and the stench, but just barely catch, he can cause discomfort, as in others, and among the very poor fellows suffering from halitosis - this is the scientific name for this phenomenon.Halitosis can occur sporadically in humans, and can obsessively pursue him, and the causes of bad breath can also be different. But whatever the causes and manifestations, to get rid of bad breath every man wants, if he is, of course, has not waved a hand permanently.
The most obvious and common causes of bad breath are well known to dentists. This is a bad, bad, insufficient and irregular oral hygiene. In the mouth of a man "nest" the hordes of bacteria - they are isolated and the gas with the characteristic odor. Even regular brushing can not save people from the bacteria completely, if it does not use dental floss and ignore such an important part of how the language clean. Bacteria - they are tiny, a lot of places they do not have, so they are fine and in a variety of fit between the teeth and tongue, live there, multiply, and, sorry, stink. Plus, periodontal disease (ie gum disease) is also pretty spoiled breath. What to do in such cases it may be obvious - to regularly visit a dentist to treat teeth and gums, and carefully monitor the hygiene of the mouth. After all, these chewing gum, candy and breath fresheners - a disguise, but not treated.
The fact that bad breath is caused by tobacco and alcohol - obviously, but some features of the food, too, may well be the cause of halitosis. Foods such as onions and garlic, cheese, eggs, meats, cabbage, and some others are able to spoil their breath for up to three days! It occurs when the product interacts with the gastric and intestinal enzymes. But even more interesting that the lack of food can also cause an exquisite flavor is not secreted in the use of the accumulated body fat as an energy source. Leads to halitosis and dehydration.
Many of the causes of bad breath associated with various diseases of the body. The same process of refining fats, which causes the characteristic smell, "includes" not only during starvation, but also in diabetes mellitus. In chronic renal failure, impaired acid-base balance, which also becomes the cause of the stench. At these stages of cancer of the stomach or esophagus, when they begin to disintegrate the tumor tissue, there is also a pronounced putrid odor, although in this case is probably the lesser of all evils. Sometimes the smell from the mouth can even put a doctor on the correct diagnosis - it happens, such as lung abscess. Symptoms of purulent inflammation similar to symptoms of sore throat or influenza, and a sharp odor and may "give" an abscess. The benefit of halitosis, of course, will not name, is just such a feature.
The list of diseases in which there is a smell to some degree, quite extensive: respiratory tract infections, chronic inflammatory disease of the nasopharynx, liver failure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney failure. So, unless you ate garlic or some particularly "fragrant" Roquefort, a bad smell can be a signal for the visit. A start, at least on the theory of probability, is still with the dentist.
Whatever the causes of bad breath, find them and eliminate costs without delay. After all, even if that "little thing" and not a sign of a serious illness, it just destroys your carefully created image of a civilized man.
Article source: Causes of Bad Breath

OatMeal Diet

Oatmeal Diet is an alternative to a huge number of trendy diets, promising in a short time to make your ideal figure. And supposedly absolutely no harm to your health. But think for yourself, because this simply can not be.

All diets, and especially hard - it is always stressful for the body, because people are constantly forced to deal with ever increasing hunger and experience constant discomfort. And not everyone has the willpower to withstand this ordeal to end, and then the man throws the diet and the body will be scared with a vengeance to store fat in reserve. This is the best, and at worst a person can develop a variety of serious diseases. This was repeatedly told not only nutritionists but also physicians.

Another thing - diet oatmeal. This diet does not undermine health, as the weight is lost gradually, and any discomfort will not occur. The usefulness of oatmeal is the fact that the stores can see a lot of products, which contain this mess. In the cereal contains a lot of fiber and various trace elements, useful for our body. All of these nutrients lower cholesterol, cleanse the body of toxins, wastes, salts, stagnant water, and free radicals.

Even people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis, ulcers, and others can confirm that if the morning breakfast porridge, then the whole day well-being achieved, and if you use this product regularly, then over time you can get rid of many disease forever. Oatmeal is also useful as a mask - if you apply it on the face, the skin becomes smooth and silky, are even acne.

Therefore, oat diet is not only harmless to the body, but even useful. Our body gradually becomes clogged, clogged gut undigested remnants of food, so nutrients are poorly absorbed. And just to get rid of toxins is not - we need a correct approach, which consists in the normalization of the bowel. To this aim, and oat diets. If everything is done correctly, the results of this therapeutic mono-gives at once - one week weight loss of three to five pounds. But for all its usefulness, it should go no more than ten days. If you want to repeat the diet, you do it will be possible only after a week, not before. And in order to maintain the achieved results, it is necessary only in the morning to eat a bowl of oatmeal with dried fruit.

Oatmeal Diet recipe that is not particularly onerous for any caring for a woman's own figure, contains several steps. The first - a cleansing of the body. To do this the night pour four tablespoons of rice, a liter of water, and in the morning to cook porridge out of it. Boil it must be for an hour. Only the figure must be unpolished. Gruel eaten on an empty stomach and in the subsequent five o'clock did not eat anymore. And you can drink only mineral water is not carbonated. Then you can eat healthy food, but in limited quantities - because you're on a diet! For three hours before bedtime meal should be stopped. Compliance with these simple rules will help to normalize digestion and in the morning you wake up fresh and full of energy. This stage lasts a week, then you can go directly to the diet.

The very effectiveness of oat diet is obvious, consists of cereal, you can cook not only water but also in milk, vegetables and unsweetened fruit. From the list of vegetables at this time is completely eliminated potatoes.
This is the simplest version of the diet, without any frills. There are no contraindications for oat diets do not. It is forbidden, as well as other mono only lactating mothers and pregnant women.

Article source:
  1. Diet Oatmeal: Good Shape Without Harm

What Are Benefits of Olives To Our Health

Olives and olive trees, traditional Mediterranean cuisine, are increasingly found in cookbooks residents of different countries. These solar berries not only give a variety of dishes of sophistication, but also a beneficial effect on health.

The benefits of olives has long been proved by scientists and tested in practice, because not for nothing that these fruits and oil are considered an integral component of a healthy diet. Their flesh is rich in vitamins, protein, fiber and plant lipids.

In addition, it contains mineral salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iodine and iron. Potassium is needed for the cardiovascular system, sodium participates in all organs and tissues, iron is indispensable for blood formation and the processes of cellular respiration. Calcium is needed to complete the work of the joints and strengthen bones. Useful for joint and manganese, which, in addition, participates in the muscle tissue. And such an important element as magnesium helps prevent insomnia, nervousness, fatigue, chronic fatigue, irritability, anxiety groundless, and many other such problems commonly faced by citizens.

So if the diet will always appear black and green olives, the use of this power will affect the whole body. And, at least partially replacing traditional sunflower oil olive, you can make an invaluable contribution to their own health.

Vitamin olives however rich and varied than the mineral. These fruits contain vitamins A, B, D, E, P and K. The particularly high concentration of B vitamins that contribute to the intensification of metabolic processes, favorably affecting the nervous system and brain, and improve the condition of the hair and skin. Vitamins A, C and E are known for their antioxidant properties. They stimulate the growth of healthy cells and prevent the development of malignant tumors. Due to the high content of these substances the benefits of olives and olive oil affects the appearance and overall health.

On top of that, the fruits of olive trees are a valuable cosmetic ingredient, positively influencing the condition of the hair and skin. Olive oil is present in many creams, scrubs, gels and other cosmetics.

But that's not all. Invaluable benefits of olives and oil from these fruits was established by experts of Chicago Medical University, and is that a major component of these products - oleic acid - blocks the action of oncogenes that cause cancer. For good reason in the Mediterranean region, according to statistics, a very small percentage of women suffering from breast cancer - disease, common in many countries around the world.

Regular use of the benefits of olives seen in the strengthening and rehabilitation of the entire body. Such a diet conducive to the stabilization of pressure and a positive effect on the stomach, allowing you to prevent the occurrence of gastritis and ulcers. Mineral compounds help reduce the load on the heart and blood vessels, increase hemoglobin levels and strengthen the bone. Gradually emerges and antioxidant effect - slowing down the aging process and improves appearance.

But we should not forget that, like red wine, and other useful products, olives and olive oil - a remarkable preventive and adjuvant, which in no case be used as the primary treatment of any disease. In addition, the abuse of a particular food, like olives, benefits and harms can occur in equal measure. Olive oil - this is a very high-calorie product, which in large quantities may have adverse effects on the stomach. Olives have a choleretic effect, so their use is undesirable cholecystitis.

But if you comply with the measure, the effect of consumption of these fruits will only be positive, for a reason olive oil is an essential component of the Mediterranean diet hopefully useful.