Friday 9 March 2012

Beet Juice - Benefits and Disadvantages to Health

We all know that fresh vegetables as well as fresh fruit, certainly good for our health. The benefits of fresh - fresh juice is also known for a long time.The juice retains all the vitamins and minerals found in fresh foods, as well as a number of additional benefits. Especially popular among fans of a healthy lifestyle apple, cabbage, carrot and beet juice. The benefits and disadvantages of each juice should be considered individually based on their characteristics of each body individually.

All uses beets in his diet and only a few - beet juice. Benefits and harms of this useful drink known is not for everyone. But this juice contains a lot of iron, thereby improving the formation of red blood cells. Especially beet juice is useful for women during the critical days, as well as people who suffer from anemia. Betaine contained in this healing drink, stimulates the liver, and especially - the biliary tract.

To help people with weak peristalsis will beet juice. The benefit and harm from him adequately studied, and beneficial qualities in him much more than the bad, you just have to use it properly. The juice will bring salt from the joints, improves the blood, cleanse the gallbladder and saturate the body with vitamins and trace elements. Due to the presence of iodine in the beet juice, it will be useful for people suffering from abnormalities in the thyroid gland.

The use of beet juice is also in the fact that he is able to increase resistance to malicious viruses, improve the functioning of the lymphatic system. The juice will strengthen the entire body and improve the complexion and overall skin condition. Improved memory and the strength to drink this healing, as well as dilation of blood vessels. Daily consumption of beetroot juice strengthen the nervous system and relieve insomnia.

Fresh juices all useful, but such a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids, iodine and sugar, perhaps, only contains beet juice. Benefits and harms of it is clearly not equivalent. The damage can only be from the wrong and excessive adoption, and for this we must know some rules. The first - preferably before you begin juice therapy, consult with your doctor, because everyone has their own illness and idiosyncrasy.

Second - vegetable juices are very active, so they must be taken in small quantities and preferably diluted with water or other juices. For better absorption of juices, especially beverage products from the bright red and yellow colors, you need to add them a little vegetable oil for better absorption of carotene. And another thing: fresh consumed immediately, as soon as cooked, yet all of the nutrients in place.

In this embodiment, the benefits of beet juice will be maximum. It will strengthen the body, it helps to fight infections. This juice is useful to wring from beets with green leaves in a combination of all nutrients to be absorbed by the body to a much greater extent than most of the root crop eaten. In the tops are a large amount of ascorbic acid, carotene and vitamin B.

Fresh beet juice bury your nose in the cold, and the rinse is used for sore throat and larynx. Doctors of antiquity, such as Paracelsus, and Hippocrates knew invaluable beets and used it to combat anemia and diseases of the lymphatic vessels. Beet juice can be analgesic, the weak and strengthen the liver.

Popular in Russia and beet kvass. The benefit of his immense for the body. He treats high blood pressure, stomach and sluggish forces to work as it should. Cook it and drink should be people with unstable pressure, which regulates the brew, it is useful for the treatment of liver and kidney. In hot weather brew a very good thirst quencher and is indispensable for making cold soups.

Article source:
  1. Beet Juice - Benefits and Disadvantages to Health

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