Saturday 10 March 2012

Calculus and Its Treatment

Probably, everyone wants to look good, and many even try diligently to do so.A beautiful smile is definitely one of the components of an excellent image. But the way this can be a plaque, causes of which lie in the wrong actions of the commission of a daily morning dress.

Tartar is a hardened accumulated food particles, waste products of various bacteria, the top layer of cells covering the mouth. It can be as over the gums, and under them. In the first case it is easy to see yourself, but if the stone is under the gums, for its detection requires special dental equipment. A very important time to identify and remove tartar, as it can lead to serious diseases of the teeth and gums.

One of the most common causes of tartar is the lack of cleaning the teeth from plaque. Soft plaque is removed quite simply an ordinary toothbrush, but if this is not thorough enough, then after a week and a half, or it turns into a tight formation, ie, tartar, which itself is almost impossible to remove. Typically, these layers affect the teeth, which take no active part in the process of chewing food, thereby reducing the likelihood of natural purification. Also, the reason may be eating mostly soft foods, or disturbances in metabolism.

If the teeth had dental calculus detected, treatment should begin immediately. You need to see a specialist in the field of dentistry that will help get rid of the scourge wherever it was. Typically, doctors use special tools to clean, either manual or ultrasonic devices. Previously, similar procedures used dental hooks, but they do not always cope with the task to the end, not only did not bring any pleasure to patients, but rather the contrary. 

To date, this method of completely refused, preferring to work with ultrasonic devices. They generate some fluctuations with which different removable attachment rather gently remove plaque. Perform such manipulation is possible in two ways: by directly touching the nozzle surface of the affected tooth or performing cleaning by a powerful jet of water. 

The advantage of the fact that when working out of the water, oxygen, which also disinfects the surface. Moreover, the likelihood of complete removal of tartar is very high, as are handled at the same time as the gums and the root. Sometimes, if the stone is in a very neglected state of his special agents soften. Upon completion of the cleaning procedures are usually done polishing.

It is believed that the shooting tartar is not entirely harmless, since such a procedure can damage the enamel. It really was possible in those days, when doctors used the hooks, and even performed work is not very accurate.In modern dentistry, the use of ultrasonic devices such concerns do not make sense, since the nozzle less sharp than the hooks, as well as in the case of strong contact with the surface of the tooth camera does not generate oscillations. When polishing teeth using compounds similar in consistency to toothpaste, so they do not carry any risk of enamel.

Sometimes patients do not want to contact the dentist to remove plaque, arguing that it is time to reappear. In this case, the recommendations made are as acquainted with the elementary rules of caring for the oral cavity.
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